How To Make a Pizza Base At Home Without Yeast and Oven

Nobody says no to pizza! However, you can simply order it from one of the nearby restaurants. But if you simply enjoy cooking and want to try it on your own, you have come to the right place. Furthermore, you do not want to make your pizza in the oven and want to try something new. In this blog post, we will show you how to make a pizza base without yeast or an oven.

In this saucy recipe, we will share the recipe to create a delectable pizza base from scratch without yeast or a conventional oven. Let’s dive into the art of creating a yeast-free pizza base that will leave your taste buds dancing. 

Ingredients to Make a Pizza Base:

  1. 1 Cup All Purpose-Flour 
  2. ½ Teaspoon Baking Soda
  3. ½ Teaspoon Baking Powder
  4. 1 Teaspoon Salt
  5. 1 Teaspoon of Olive Oil
  6. ½ Cup Yogurt 

How to Make a Pizza Base:

make a pizza base

To make a pizza base exclusively, begin with 1 cup of all-purpose flour. However, the all-purpose flour is ideal for all sorts of pizzas. Add ½ cup yogurt; this will not only add a subtle tang to your base but will also ensure a soft and pliable dough. For a perfect rise and lightness, add ½ teaspoon of baking soda. In addition, enhance the flavor of your pizza base with a pinch of salt. 

Mixing and Kneading:

Take a mixing bowl and blend the flour, yogurt, baking soda, and salt in it. To make a pizza base more scrumptious, keep stirring the ingredients until the dough forms. Once the dough has been formed, knead the dough on a floured surface for up to 5 minutes. However, this process doesn’t only develop gluten for a chewy texture but also serves as a stress-relieving exercise. In addition, allow the dough to rest for 10 to 15 minutes. This is a critical aspect of getting a tender pizza base. 

Rolling Without a Rolling Pin:

make a pizza base

No rolling pin? No problem. Gently flatten the dough into the desired pizza shape with your hands. Your homemade creation will have a rustic charm thanks to the irregular edges. However, for the perfect balance of crispy and chewy, aim for a thin crust. The uniform thickness ensures even cooking and a delightful textural experience

No Oven, No Problem:

make a pizza base

To make a pizza base, heat a non-stick pan on the stove over medium heat. No oven? No worries. A stovetop pan is your secret weapon for achieving that crispy exterior. Place your rolled-out pizza base on the hot pan. Furthermore, after a minute or two, flip it over to cook the other side. Keep it on the pan until the crust is golden brown before adding your favorite toppings. 

Add Your Favorite Toppings and Bake:

make a pizza base

Bravo! You have successfully made your pizza base. However, this pizza base is ready to use. You can use it right away or store it for further use. Add your favorite toppings and bake it in the pan for up to 15 minutes. 

Bottom Line:

Making a pizza base without yeast and an oven is not only achievable but also a rewarding culinary experience. Armed with flour, yogurt, and a pinch of creativity, you can create a versatile canvas for your pizza masterpieces. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned chef, this yeast-free pizza base recipe will quickly become a favorite. So, gather your ingredients and embark on a saucy journey to pizza perfection. To make a pizza base perfectly, keep following Blogging Hut! Your one-stop shop for everything—food, travel, technology, and more.


Q1. Can I use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour for the pizza base?

While all-purpose flour is commonly used, you can substitute it with whole wheat flour for a healthier twist. The result may be slightly denser, but the nutty flavor adds a delightful dimension to your pizza base.

Q2. Can I make the pizza base in advance and store it for later use?

After preparing the pizza base, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Ensure it is well-covered to prevent drying. When ready to use, bring it to room temperature before adding your favorite toppings and baking.

Q3. Is it necessary to use a non-stick pan for cooking the pizza base on the stovetop?

While a non-stick pan is convenient, you can also use a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet or a regular pan with a bit of oil. Just ensure the pan is adequately heated to achieve that crispy exterior on your pizza base.

Q4. Can I freeze the pizza base for future use?

Yes, you can freeze the pizza base. After rolling it out, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place it in a freezer bag. Label it with the date and store it in the freezer for up to one month. Thaw in the refrigerator before using.

Q5. Can I make a gluten-free version of the pizza base?

You can experiment with the gluten-free flour blends available on the market. Keep in mind that the texture may differ slightly, but it’s a great option for those with gluten sensitivities. Additionally, consider adding xanthan gum to improve the dough’s elasticity.

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